Welcome Happy Kids School

Here´s the exchange Project between the Freie Universität Berlin and the Happy Kids School in Kenya of the gofishnet-foundation.

Thanks from Kenia to Berlin

Moving math: Bodypercussion

Dear teachers in Kenya, Gofishnet Project, we have sent you the book "Rhythm of maths" with an enclosed DVD. From this DVD we have taken the movements from Lesson 1, Part 1 to show two equivalent mathematical terms (see photo) The students in one seminar split into two groups and practised one term each. Then both groups faced each other and made the video for you. Would you also like to make a video with mathematical terms and body percussion?

Here they are, the both mathematical Terms. Both have a value of 70. In Terms of Rhythm they have both 70 beats. In the Video you see how they are represented with body percussion.

500 wins

This video is about the game 500 wins. With this game the students can improve their skills about two- and three- digit numbers. They learn about place values, like 300 is more than 30. So they get to know what the place of a number is important for. We can also understand what we use a zero for and what a zero is.


500 wins – game instructions
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 39.2 KB

10 wins




The game "Ten Wins" is a great way to move from counting to "thinking" mathematically or to working with quantities. It promotes fundamental mathematical skills and is especially suitable for the beginning stages of schooling.



1. Counting within the number range up to ten: The game allows children to become familiar with numbers and quantities up to ten.

2. Strategic thinking: Players must decide when to place chips and whether to place one or two chips to reach the goal of ten chips. 

3. Pattern recognition: By placing and removing chips, players must recognize patterns.

4. Decision-making: Players must consider which steps to take to achieve their goal while also preventing their opponent from winning.

5. To calculate in writing: Using the dice pattern for written calculation involves performing arithmetic operations based on the dice roll result.



Ten wins - game instructions
Game instructions.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 73.5 KB

10 wins + 0 wins

Ten Wins
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 169.9 KB

Search the Number

The game “Search the Number” and the expansion “Number Clapping” offer the potential to get to know the decadal structure of the number space. The principle of bundling ten is helpful for this game, which means it must be purchased beforehand for this reason. This principle is helpful because the playing field is represented with bundling of tens. This makes orientation in the number range from 1 – 100 easier.




Search the number – game instructions
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 61.4 KB


Trimon is a game that helps students develop an understanding of quantities. It uses 40 triangular cards that show either dots or numbers. They learn to recognize and compare quantities by analyzing the dot cards and matching them with the corresponding number cards.


Triton – game instructions
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 106.8 KB


Nummero should be played as one of the last games from the selection of games we sent you. The children should already be comfortable with numbers up to one hundred, as this game is quite challenging. This game reinforces their understanding of numbers up to one hundred. Additionally, it promotes understanding of higher than and lower than. Another aspect that is reinforced through this game is the handling of even and odd numbers. The game also deepens the understanding of the place value system.


Nummero – game instructions
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 27.9 KB



The Plus-Minus-Bingo helps children become more confident in adding and subtracting numbers. Can be helpful for children who still need support, especially after the expansion with the multiplication and division.


Plus-Minus-Bingo – game instructions
Spielanleitung plus-minus bingo.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 348.1 KB

Gather the prize

Why the game should be played: The game significantly reinforces knowledge in the number range 1-9, especially in addition. It also helps with number decomposition, as students first determine the addends and then look back at the sum. Additionally, students have a lot of fun, and each game presents new challenges.


Gather the price – game instructions
„Räum ab!“.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 17.6 KB

"Ten wins" and "Zero wins"

Ten wins / zero wins – game instructions
Game instructions.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 73.5 KB

Number Rocker

Number Rocker – game instructions
Zahlenwippe-Kenia Projekt.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 100.6 KB
